Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pre-AP Research Projects

You are reading the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding. During the next few class periods you are going to do some web research on topics related to this novel. All are listed below along with a number of websites. To find the information for your project, all you need to do is to click on the websites listed. Once you are in the sites you may have to click on pages linked to the site, but most of you will be able to find your information on the page that appears first. You will also be required to use the online databases provided by the library to add one source to your project. You can find a list of those databases here.
If you need more time than the class periods given to find your information, you have to do it on your own. You should realize that you can access the project information from any computer that is linked to the internet. After finding your information for the project, your group will work on the presentations in the writing lab as well as on your own time outside of class. You will have to coordinate and you will probably have to meet after school. Remember that the library is available for after school work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It may be a lot easier for you to meet there rather than in someone’s home. Each group will choose one of the following. There will only be six groups and each group must choose a different topic. Look at the topics carefully and discuss with your group members before deciding what you want to do. It may be helpful to consider what you are interested in as a career. Find a topic that touches on that interest.

  • The Survival Manual
  • Physical differences
  • Psychological problems - loneliness, depression
  • Poetry that relates to Lord of the Flies
  • Quotes that relate to Lord of the Flies
  • Conch shell and symbolism
  • Human rights

How will you turn in your assignment?
You will link to your assignment on this Research page through the Discussion tab above. Remember that if you put your link anywhere else on the wiki, I won't see it and you won't receive credit. You will turn in your MLA Works Cited page to The window will close by 3:00 p.m. Friday, April 13, 2012. Presentations will take place Wednesday, April 18-19 during your class period.

To view a sample works cited page over Mrs. McReynold's research for the science presentation she gave on March 28 and 29, view the file below:
McReynold Works Cited.rtf
Remember that will do much of the work for you, but you still have to make sure you double-check the categories. It will also keep a running bibliography for you.

The Survival Manual
In your group you will develop a survival manual. This manual should include all the important materials, strategies and essential knowledge for survival in an unfamiliar and aggressive environment like the tropical deserted island similar to the island the boys in Lord of the Flies found themselves on.

Your manual must include, but not limited to:
1. An illustrated cover with a great title
2. A table of contents
3. Examples and illustrations of the strategies offered
4. Clearly defined and logical instructions for survival in different circumstances anyone might find themselves in
This is similar to a "how to" manual. YOU MUST BE ACCURATE AND SPECIFIC.
Use the websites below to help you in your search.
All work must be computer generated. You will create your file in Publisher, save it as a .pdf. Then upload it to Youblisher in order to publish your manual online.

Do not forget to use the online database as one of your sources.
You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your manual.

Physical differences
Piggy is made fun of several times because he is overweight. He himself seems to be much more concerned about his asthma. You will research these two conditions and make a presentation using Ahead for the class. This program allows you to have a song associated with your presentation. Please choose a song that is appropriate for the material you are covering and cite it in your Works Cited. For each illness you must have:
1. One slide about the condition containing information about the false impressions people have about the illness. Use graphics or decoration to make the slide interesting.
2. One slide with facts about the condition. Possible causes, cures or treatment for the illness.
3. One slide with organizations that help people with the condition, how to contact the organization and what services they offer.
4. Relate your findings to Lord of the Flies.

Use the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databasesto help you find information.
You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your presentation.
All work must be computer generated.

Psychological problems - loneliness, depression
Some of the boys on the island experienced different psychological problems. Many felt the beginnings of depression and loneliness. You will research these two conditions and make either a Prezior an Xtranormal video for the class. You may also combine the two (embed an Xtranormal video within a Prezi, similiar to how the Xtranormal videos were embedded in the library's Introduction to Research PowerPoint)
for the class.

For each illness you must have:
1. Information about each condition containing information about the false impressions people have about the illness.
2. The facts about the conditions. Possible causes, cures or treatment for each illness.
3. Organizations that help people with the conditions, how to contact the organizations and what services they offer.
4. Relate your information to Lord of the Flies.

Use the sites listed below to help you find informationUse the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databasesto help you find information.
You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your Prezi.

Poetry that relates to Lord of the Flies
You will use the websites listed below to find poetry that is similar in theme and symbolism to the novel. You will present your project in an attractive manner through
Example Themes: Man's inhumanity to man; the need for social order; friendship; loneliness and the need for companionship; the dark side of human beings.
Examples of Symbolism: the conch; social order, leadership (Ralph), evil nature (Jack); eye glasses (object from civilization); Spirituality (Simon)

Try to find poetry that is similar in theme, or look for symbols in the poems you read. They do not have to be exactly the same as the symbols in the novel, but you should look for poetry that has symbols for evil, bravery, courage, loneliness, spirituality, etc.
You will collect 5 poems from the websites given.
For each poem, you must complete an analysis and answer the following questions:
1. How does this poem compare to the novel?
2. What made you choose it?
3. How is it similar in theme or symbolism to the novel?

Use the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databases to help you find information.
You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your glog.

Quotes that relate to Lord of the Flies

You will use the websites listed below to find quotes that have a sense of the novel. Look for themes and symbolism of the novel. You will present your work in an attractive manner as a video using Clipgenerator. This program requires a song, so make sure you choose one that fits the theme of Lord of the Flies and include it in your Works Cited.

Examples of Themes: Man's inhumanity to man; the need for social order; friendship; loneliness and the need for companionship; the dark side of human beings.

Examples of Symbolism: the conch; social order, leadership (Ralph), evil nature (Jack); eye glasses (object from civilization); Spirituality (Simon)Try to find quotes that are similar in theme, or look for symbols in the quotes you read. They do not have to be exactly the same as the symbols in the novel, but you should look for quotes that have symbols for evil, bravery, courage, loneliness, spirituality, etc.

You will collect 10 quotes from the websites given. You must paraphrase and explain each quote and answer the following questions:
1. How does this quote compare to the novel?
2. What made you choose it?
3. How is it similar in theme or symbolism to the novel?

Use the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databasesto help you find information.
You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your video.

Conch shell and symbolism
In your group you will develop a presentation using PreZentit depicting information about the shell probably used by the boys in LOTF.  If PreZentit is not working, you may use Ahead to create your presentation.

The presentation must include:
1. The scientific name of the shell chosen
2. A background of where the chosen shell is found
3. The reason for your choice of this specific shell.
4. You must also include information about more than one way to interpret the symbolic meaning of the shell in the novel and give specific examples from the novel to support your interpretation.

Use the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databasesto help you find information.

You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your video.

Human Rights
In your group you will develop a video using Xtranormal providing the following information:

1. A definition and explanation of what human rights are.
2. Identify who decided what human rights are and why this decision was made.
3. Three real-world situations of human rights abuse by current governments.
4. Abuses that Jack and his hunters inflict on the boys after Jack gains power.

Use the sites listed below and at least one source from the online databases to help you find information.

You will also be required to turn in a Works Cited page in MLA format with your video. from

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